Ethical Nutrients Stress and Anxiety Relief formula is made to relieve the regular irritating symptoms of anxiety.

The Stress and Anxiety Relief formula helps to relieve stress and manage it too.




Ethical Nutrients Stress and Anxiety Relief formula is derived from cow’s milk, and is not recommended for children younger than 1 year, unless used under the supervision of a physician. The Stress and Anxiety Relief formula contains lactose, so it is also not recommended for those that are lactose intolerant.

It contains no artificial flavors or colors and is preservative free. It is also free of gluten, wheat, eggs, yeast and salt.

It’s published ingredients include:

  • Alpha-casozepine that has been enriched with protein from hydrolysed milk.

How Much Do You Take?

The directions for Ethical Nutrients Stress and Anxiety Relief formula are not very clear. A mistake was made in the dosage information, so it says that adults should take 1 capsule daily, afterwards it then goes on to say adults should take 2 capsules twice daily. This was probably meant to say something else, however with published dosage information liberties are not always safe to take.


There is no guarantee or warranty offered with Ethical Nutrients Stress and Anxiety Relief formula. This is unfortunate, as money back guarantees make people feel much safer when buying supplements.


Based on its unclear directions and lack of money-back guarantee, Ethical Nutrients Stress and Anxiety Relief formula could never compare to the level of relief found in other anxiety supplements.

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