Relax-V Review

High levels of anxiety, stress, and tension can lead to panic and anxiety attacks. A panic attack can make something as simple as a trip to the grocery store unbearable and can impede your ability to make rational decisions. Panic attacks are at the best of times horribly inconvenient, and at the worst, potentially life threatening. Repeatedly suffering from panic attacks can also reduce short-term, and in some cases, long-term memory.

Relax-V is a 100% natural herbal supplement that helps to reduce and relieve the effects of situational anxiety. It is also very affordable, making it one of the most popular alternatives to prescription medications. Relax-V can help relieve the effects of mild anxiety and stress, and it can help lessen the severity and frequency of panic and anxiety attacks. Many people who try Relax-V experience relief almost immediately. Don’t languish in an agitated state of high stress in times of crisis, worry, and fear – try Relax-V and allow it to help you rediscover your sense of peace and control.


Taking Relax-V regularly will enable you to function optimally, free from the building pressure of stress and anxiety. By calming your system down from the chaos of the fight-or-flight reflex, Relax-V works to lessen the severity and even prevent the onset of oncoming panic attacks.

With the active ingredients: Isovaleric Acid, Calcium Stearate and Menthol, Relax-V provides a healthy, safe and effective way to deal with sudden and intense occurrences of acute stress. This supplement also has the added benefit of being non-GMO and gluten-free.

Dosing Directions

Relax-V should be taken as needed to relieve immediate stress. It is safe to take Relax-V 2-4 times per day. Place 1 tablet under the tongue and allow to dissolve in moments of high stress and anxiety.


Two boxes of Relax-V contain 20 dissolving tablets and costs just $14.98. If you’re going through a particularly stressful period and are concerned about the risk of possible panic attacks you could go through two boxes of Relax-V in as little time as just five days.


Relax-V allows you to respond quickly to sudden and forceful bursts of anxiety and stress. Relax-V is effective as a coping mechanism for bouts of overwhelming and unexpected stress.

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Reloramax Review

ReloraMax receives our #5 rating because it helps to relieve the weight gain caused by anxiety and stress. We cannot rate it higher because it is missing many of the key ingredients for fighting anti-anxiety and does not have a night-time formulation.

Anxiety In Children

Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety, like many other emotions, is closely linked to our fears. Children experience a number of fears from the moment they are born. How they react to that fear — whether it be fear of the dark, ghosts, insects or dogs, depends on the child’s personality, age, genetic disposition, and coping skills.

Generally, as children grow up,  fears lessen. Fears become a problem only if they prevent the child from performing normal activities. Intervention or treatment may be considered at this point.

Anxiety Symptoms

Children experience anxiety at different stages and ages. Below are some common anxiety symptoms and how parents can help them cope:

Infants/ToddlersAnxiety In Children

When feeling panicked, infants can become irritable, restless and lose sleep. Indications of anxiety at this tender age can include:

  • Clinging
  • Crying endlessly
  • Throwing tantrums
  • Sleeplessness
  • Inability to sleep alone
  • Urinating often

You may be able to gradually reduce anxiety in very young children by exposing them to a wide variety of experiences:

  • Having them meet many different people outside the home and encouraging them to play with other children
  • Allowing them to make their own decisions
  • Setting a regular bed time routine and training them to fall asleep on their own

Overly stressed parents pass along their own stresses to their children, so make every attempt to keep a happy environment in the home.

School Age ChildrenAnxiety In Children

Anxiety in school children can include:

  • Shyness
  • Timidness
  • Clinging to parents
  • An inability to interact with other children
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor memory
  • Withdrawal
  • Pessimism
  • Constant complaints of head/stomach aches

Such children can be demanding and irritable. They require a lot of patience. It’s important to be assertive, but calm when helping them deal with the things they are anxious about. Reassure them whenever you can.


As they undergo hormonal, physical, and emotional changes, teens exhibit stress and anxiety by:

  • Over/under eating
  • Excessive sleep
  • Obsession with appearance
  • Defying authority

It’s critical to set reasonable ground rules with adolescents without being overly restrictive. Encourage them to share their concerns and worries so they feel safe confiding in you.

Reasons For AnxietyAnxiety In Children

  • Conflicts or changes in the family: A parental argument, divorce, or illness can be extremely upsetting for children. They may start taking on the guilt for their family woes. Both overly controlling and extremely liberal parents can pave the way for anxiety in a child.
  • Physical illness or disabilities: Ailments such as severe asthma as well as reactions and taunts from other children can make an ill or disabled child self-conscious, upset and depressed.
  • Tight schedules: Jam packed days filled with too many activities may stress the child and deprive them of needed downtime. All children need free, unstructured time to themselves every now and then.
  • Issues at school: Bullying, name calling, teasing, harsh or unfair teachers, and overly burdened school work can make a child depressed and resentful. This may result in a lack of self confidence or cause them to lose interest in school and other activities.
  • Fears/phobias: Exposure to frightening incidents, sad and terrible news, violent/horror movies, upsetting or gory books and stories can cause fears in children. If they have experienced bad episodes in the past, some children may develop a fear of social situations, schools, or open spaces (agoraphobia). They may start to develop obsessions, or in extreme cases, severe depression may include self-harming behaviors or suicidal thoughts.

How to Avoid Anxiety

Communication, comfort, and care are the most important factors that can help a child feel safe, loved, and cared for. Provide reassurance while enabling them to express their fears.

Show support and love with physical contact – hugging, cuddling, holding, and rocking the child. As you soothe them, reassure them with comforting and calming words. Allow the child to express him or herself freely -without judgement about their concerns, worries and fears.

Encourage children to solve their own problems instead of stepping in to fix them. This fosters independence and courage in fearful situations, while discouraging negative and unproductive thoughts.

Respect and support the child’s feelings when it matters the most. Seek medical guidance if the fears and phobias become so overwhelming that it keeps the child from pursuing normal, everyday activities.

Stress B-Complex Review

Keeping up on handling your energy level and supporting your body’s immune system is what the Stress B-Complex was built for. Nature Made Stress B-Complex is a very unique combination of 8 essential B vitamins that help to energize your body.

The Stress B-Complex also helps with supporting the immune system, thanks to the help of Vitamin C and Zinc.


The Stress B-Complex contains many ingredients you come across everyday. These ingredients include:

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C has long been used for the positive effects it has on the immune system.
  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E has been shown through studies to  protect the body from oxidative damage created by day- to-day activities.
  • Thiamin: Thiamin helps alleviate problems caused by some genetic diseases.
  • Riboflavin: Riboflavin is used in the treatment of headaches.
  • Niacin: Niacin can improve cholesterol levels and lowers cardiovascular risks.
  • Vitamin B12: B12 improves sleep and stress disorders.
  • Biotin: Biotin supports health of nerves.
  • Pantothenic Acid: Pantothenic Acid helps in the treatment of ADHD.
  • Zinc: Like Pantothenic Acid, Zinc has been known to help with ADHD.

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dosage for the Stress B-Complex is 1 tablet daily. You should talk with your doctor about how it may interact with other medications.


The price for one 75-count bottle of the Stress B-Complex is $10.99. This is a cheap price for a supplement.


Nature Made Stress B-Complex is backed by a money back guarantee, allowing you to try it. As not all supplements work the same for everybody, the ability to try is important.


The Stress B-Complex is a nice product, but it falls short in some very key aspects when being compared to the leading products in its category.

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Source Naturals Zembrin Review

Zembrin is specifically formulated to elevate your mood. By combating stress, anxiety, and tension, Zembrin will help you to increase your attention, focus, motivation and concentration.

Because of these potential benefits, many people with ADHD try Zembrin. It is designed in a way that is less likely to make you feel drowsy like other medications might.


  • Sceletium Tortuosum extract, stem and leaf: Helps in relieving tension,anxiety, stress and depression. This extract has also been known to help with Amphetamine comedowns.
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose: Commonly used as a texturizer in medications.
  • Magnesium Stearate: Because of its well-known lubricating properties, Magnesium Stearate is used in the manufacturing process to assure that the powders do not stick to the equipment.
  • Silicon Dioxide: Silicon dioxide helps to aid the  powder flow when tablets are formed.

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dosage for Zembrin is 1 capsule daily. Pregnant and lactating women should talk to their doctor before use. Zembrin should be kept out of the reach of children.


The price of 1 bottle of Zembrin is $24.99. If you buy 3, you can get 1 free, this would cost you $74.97. If you buy 5, you get 2 free, costing  you $124.95.


Zembrin offers a 100% money back guarantee. You must return the product within 90 days.


While Zembrin has decent pricing and a 90-day guarantee, the fact still remains that the ingredients used are not all natural. Silicon Dioxide is a manufactured substance, and when you take away all of the ingredients that are used for production purposes, you are left with only one naturally occurring ingredient, which may or may not be beneficial.

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Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety DisordersEveryone experiences feelings of stress every now and then. Stress can even be a positive response to some situations. This “flight or fight” response prepares the body to be alert and on edge when action is needed.

For example, if someone encounters an unfamiliar or threatening environment, he or she can be nervous, edgy, and anxious. This may allow that person to tackle whatever comes next. People who are anxious speaking in public or while taking an exam, rehearse or study to ensure they are equipped to take on the challenge. Stress also helps keep people safe in dangerous situations.

However, when excessive anxiety or fear prevents a person from living a normal, healthy life, it can become a problem. This can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, this is a very common condition which can be successfully treated.

Nearly 9% of Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder during some period of their lives. For a few, anxiety can be so debilitating they can’t leave their homes and are prevented from performing everyday tasks.

The term “anxiety” has been so overused recently that it’s at risk of losing its meaning. The words “anxiety” and “fear” have become nearly interchangeable. However, they’re actually two separate conditions. Anxiety describes multiple types of mental conditions characterized by an extreme amount of mental worry that appears for no reason. Fear, however, is an emotion that triggers anxiety.

What are the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders include a rather broad category of different medical conditions. Some of these conditions include:

What are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder?

There are lots of symptoms that a person may demonstrate if he or she has an anxiety disorder. Here is a list of some common anxiety symptoms (not all of them need to be present for a doctor to diagnose an anxiety disorder):

  • Over the top worryingAnxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders
  • Unreasonable fear of things or circumstances
  • Jumpiness/Inability to relax
  • Repeated re-living of a prior traumatic experience
  • Insomnia
  • A compulsive need to repeat an action over and over again
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Muscle pain
  • Perspiration/cold or clammy hands/light headed
  • Hyperactive/Rapid heartbeat
  • Exhaustion
  • Dry, cotton mouth
  • Tingling or numb extremities
  • Stomach cramps/nausea/loose bowels/difficulty swallowing
  • Hyperventilation

Generally, people who suffer from anxiety disorders are paranoid that they or their loved ones will be harmed or threatened in some way. They typically find it difficult to concentrate and are easily angered and impatient – regardless of the circumstance or habitual lateness.

While everyone experiences some of these symptoms at some point in their lives, it’s only a problem if they interfere with your daily life. If symptoms are too extreme for the situation that triggers them, it may be caused by an underlying anxiety disorder. You may want to explore options to treat the condition.

Nuphorin Review

While women are more commonly affected, anxiety affects everyone at every stage of life. Anxiety can manifest themselves as panic disorders, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Anxiety disorders can also show themselves physically as well. Just a few of these symptoms may include irritability, headaches, inability to focus, shaking, inability to relax, upset stomach, exhaustion, jumpiness and sleep disruption.

There are currently no specific scientific tests that can determine an anxiety diagnosis. Instead, anxiety disorders are often diagnosed by a physician who will conduct a full medical history evaluation and physical examination. While there is no way to determine it, there is also no known way to prevent it.

Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments like Nuphorin available to anxiety suffers, some of which can be found in supplements and other over-the-counter medications. Because of the large number of treatments, make sure you do your research and choose the one that’s right for you.

Nuphorin Ingredients

The ingredients in anti-anxiety treatments vary from product to product. Some products use herbal remedies, homeopathic ingredients, natural ingredients or synthetic ingredients. As specified early, you should be looking for a product with ingredients that are all natural. Nuphorin lists the following ingredients for their product:

• Vitamin B1 – 2 mg

• Vitamin B2 – 2 mg

• Niacinamide – 10 mg

• Vitamin B6 – 10 mg

• Folic Acid – 50 mg

• Vitamin B12 – 100 mcg

• Calcium – 50 mg

• Magnesium – 50 mg

Ashwagandha (7% Extract) – 30 mg

• Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid – 100 mg

• Chamomile (4:1 Extract) – 100 mg

• 5-Hyroxytryptophan – 50 mg

• DMAE Bitartrate – 25 mg

Suggested Use

The manufacturer recommends taking two (2) capsules daily with water.

Side Effects

The side effects for this product were not listed by the manufacturer on the internet. Generally, all medications will cause some side effects and it’s a little unnerving that the manufacturer is not open to discuss these matters. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $39.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules. At the suggest use, this should last you about one month.

Nuphorin Guarantee

Many people want a guarantee as an assurance that if they don’t get the results that they are looking for, they will not be punished. Depending on where you buy this product, individual websites may off their own money-back guarantees.

The manufacturer offers a 60 day guarantee for this product.

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Mastermind Mind Boost Review

Sometimes people get stressed out, frustrated and even angry.  Some lack confidence and have a hard time focusing. Mastermind Supplements has two products available that act as vitamins for your brain. These cognitive enhancers help to improve your mood as well as keep your mind focused. Mind Release is their stress-relief supplement that relieves stress and anxiety throughout the day.

Mind Boost is the confidence-building supplement that provides enhanced focus ability and increases confidence.


These two Mastermind Supplements contain the following ingredients:

  • Phenibut – Phenibut is similar to GABA and is used to treat anxiety, insomnia, stress and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Ashwagandha Root Powder – There is insufficient evidence that this ingredient is beneficial for the treatment of anxiety and other stress-related symptoms.
  • L-Theanine – Despite limited clinical information on L-Theanine, it is often used for relaxation without drowsiness and is thought to help prevent cancer.
  • Bacopa Leaf – Used in India for mental clarity and focus.


On the bottles, within the Supplement Facts, the serving size (here recognized as recommended dosage) is 3 capsules. There is no mention of how many times daily this dosage is recommended.


One bottle of Mind Release or Mind Boost costs $39.95. That means that for both supplements, you would be paying $79.90.


There is no guarantee offered with Mind Release or Mind Boost. With supplements such as these, a money back guarantee is an important thing. Not every supplement works the same for everyone. Having the ability to try it to make sure is very important.


Mind Release and Mind Boost are very well-intentioned products. However, despite their flashy packaging, they still offer little in the way of stress and anxiety release than other products.

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Anxiety Balance 45 Review

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed? Do you experience bouts of irritability, anxiousness and fatigue? Do your symptoms interfere with your ability to function at work and enjoy time your time at home?

In today’s fast-paced environment, it is easy to become overwrought and undernourished. If you are continually exposed to tense or anxiety-laden situations, your body’s ability to combat the onslaught of stressful symptoms becomes compromised and you will be unable to prevent the harm done to your system.

Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to serious health issues. Elevated levels of stress and anxiety can affect mood, mental focus, weight management, the immune system, sleep patterns, blood pressure, and overall physical wellbeing, in addition to leading to other health risks.  It is best to address symptoms of stress before they cause greater health challenges and require medical intervention.

While there are a number of prescription drugs available to treat stress, it is perhaps wisest to try a natural and side effect free remedy first. Anxiety Balance 45 is safe and gentle health supplement formulated to naturally help your body manage stress.


This proprietary blend of essential ingredients leverages the benefits associated with Rhodiola Rosea and Jujube to work with your body to promote relaxation and relieve the symptoms related to stress. This powerful blend can even help to reduce sleep disturbances and increase one’s ability to continually manage anxiety. All the herbs, amino acids, and botanicals in Anxiety Balance 45 are naturally processed and free of preservatives:

  • Vitamin B1
  • Niacin
  • Magnesium
  • Griffonia Simplicifolia
  • Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA)
  • Lemon Balm (Leaf)
  • Inositol
  • Hops (Strobilies)
  • L-Glutamic Acid
  • Passionflower
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Jujube

Individuals who take Anxiety Balance 45 daily, in addition to maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in a meditative or yogic practice at least three times a week, are better equipped to handle the stresses of daily life.


The suggested dosage for Anxiety Balance 45 is one capsule a day. Please consult with your physician should you be curious about an alternative dosage course.


The price of one bottle of Anxiety Balance 45 is $31.68 and contains 45 capsules. Each capsule costs $0.70. Anxiety Balance 45 could help you manage your stress for less than a dollar a day.


Anxiety Balance 45 promotes a relaxed state of mind and provides a natural relief from elevated levels of stress. The price is also very affordable, with a 6-week course of treatment costing just over $30. But considering you often “get what you paid for” one may wonder why Anxiety Balance 45 is so drastically inexpensive.

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Purelife Gabatrol Stress & Tension Review

Do you suffer from bouts of occasional stress, anxiety, or depression? Do you experience feelings of hopelessness or feel overwhelmed when faced with too many of life’s challenges. Are you paralyzed by the responsibilities you face on a daily basis? We live in a chaotic and unforgiving world, so stress, anxiety, and depression are challenges all of us face from time to time. Unfortunately, some individuals seem better equipped to stand up to the challenges, while others struggle. If you experience these feelings and find yourself struggling to manage your levels of stress and anxiety to a point where you feel depressed, there are many medications and supplements available to alleviate these feelings and symptoms.

While some remedies come in the form of prescription medications, these fixes can be costly, pose the risk of adverse side effects, impair cognitive function, can be habit-forming, and place undue strain on your body as it tries to process the harsh chemical compounds.


Instead of running to get a prescription filled and exposing yourself to harsh chemicals, there is an economical and effective solution that doesn’t require a prescription and offers a drug free formula that is guaranteed to work without causing adverse side effects.

Gabatrol offers natural relief from stress, anxiety, and depression in as little as 15-minutes when taken on an empty stomach. Gabatrol is safe and may be taken both consistently on a daily basis and in urgent moments when you require a little extra support.

One of Gabatrol’s key ingredients is Kanna, an herb that has been used for hundreds of years to improve life spirits. In addition to Kanna, Gabatrol boasts a proprietary blend of natural ingredients that reduce mood swings, and support mental focus and clarity; all without the fear of unwanted side effects. The full list of ingredients is as follows:

If you’re entertaining the idea of seeking a prescription for pharmaceuticals like Xanax, Prozac, or Zoloft, do yourself a favor and try Gabatrol first. Experience the amazing difference a safe and effective natural supplement can make in your day-to-day life.


While a simple dose of 3-4 Gabatrol capsules will be sufficient for treating many people, some may find a higher dose of 5-6 capsules is required to sufficiently treat their symptoms. The average recommended daily dose is 4-6 capsules. In moments of high and intense stress it is safe to take up to 7 capsules.


One bottle of Gabatrol contains 90 tablets and costs $59.95. The cost per tablet is $0.67, but with a high daily dose of 4-6 tablets the average cost of taking Gabatrol daily is approximately $3.35.


You can try Gabatrol without the worry of investing in a treatment that may not work for you. If you find that Gabatrol was not what you expected you can return the unused tablets for a full refund within 60 days.


Gabatrol is a holistic and gentle treatment for the symptoms of stress and doesn’t lead to the negative side effects associated with prescription drugs. But, the dosing requirements are quite considerable with the directions suggesting you take up to 7 tablets in times of very high stress.

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