Liddell Laboratories Anx Review

About 3 million people in the United States will suffer a full-blown anxiety order at some point in their lives. Furthermore, approximately 60 million adults (20% of the population) will suffer from panic attacks. The actual causes of anxiety disorders are unknown, but there are several components that lead to its development, including heredity, brain chemistry and the environment.

There are currently no specific scientific tests that can determine an anxiety diagnosis. Instead, anxiety disorders are often diagnosed by a physician who will conduct a full medical history evaluation and physical examination.

Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments like Liddell Laboratories Anx available to anxiety suffers, some of which can be found in supplements and other over-the-counter medications. Because of the large number of treatments, make sure you do your research and choose the one that’s right for you.

Liddell Laboratories Anx Ingredients

The ingredients in anti-anxiety treatments vary from product to product. Some products use herbal remedies, homeopathic ingredients, natural ingredients or synthetic ingredients. As specified early, you should be looking for a product with ingredients that are all natural. Liddell Laboratories Anx lists the following ingredients for their product:

• Angus Castus 6X

• Avena Sativa 1X

• Cinchona 6X

• Humulus 2X

• Hyoscyamus 200C

• Ignatia Amara 200C

• Passiflora 3X

Valeriana 3X

• Organic Alcohol 20%

• Purified Water

Suggested Use

The manufacturer recommends adults and children over 12 take the spray twice under the tongue three (3) times per day.

Side Effects

The side effects for this product were not listed by the manufacturer on the internet. Generally, all medications will cause some side effects and it’s a little unnerving that the manufacturer is not open to discuss these matters. As always, with any medication, supplement or treatment, consult your doctor before use.

The manufacturer cautions not to use this product if you’ve had an allergic reaction to any of its ingredients.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $17.95 for a 1 oz bottle.

Liddell Laboratories Anx Guarantee

Many people want a guarantee as an assurance that if they don’t get the results that they are looking for, they will not be punished. Depending on where you buy this product, individual websites may off their own money-back guarantees.

The manufacturer offers a 45 day guarantee for this product.


There are a lot of anxiety treatment products on the market, including Liddell Laboratories Anx. However, considering the ingredients of this product and its price, a consumer may want to look for a better product.

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Treating A Panic Disorder

Treating a Panic Disorder

Panic disorders are incapacitating conditions consisting of severe episodes of panic. They may occur with little or no warning and can last from just a couple of minutes to as long as a half hour or more. The fact that the sufferer may never know when these panic attacks might happen can prevent them from enjoying life. They end up avoiding activities or experiences that have triggered their prior panic attacks.

Women typically suffer from panic disorder and anxiety attacks more often than men, with the onset of the disorder frequently occurring in early adulthood. If left untreated, panic disorders can evolve into more serious conditions, such as agoraphobia.

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

Although everyone experiences a panic attack differently, some common symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Palpitating heartTreating A Panic Disorder
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sweating and/or hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain
  • Tightening of the throat
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Chills

Therapy and Education

Treating a panic disorder usually involves a blend of three modalities — education, psychotherapy and medication.

A patient opting for psychotherapy treatment generally has private sessions with a trained psychologist on a short-term basis — typically for no more than a dozen sessions. The first session usually focuses on teaching patients about their disorder, how to effectively cope with attacks and ways to prevent them from occurring.

By learning to identify the symptoms of a panic attack and the reasons behind them, patients can significantly shorten the length and severity of these attacks. When they first start feeling the beginnings of a panic attack, they can employ techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation and controlled breathing to keep the attack from escalating.

Therapists will also talk to the patient about the irrational fears they experience while they are having an attack. Often these are fears of humiliating and embarrassing themselves in public, fear of fainting, or even dying. Discussing their fears helps patients understand that the fears are not rational. This reduces the intensity level of the attack.

The therapist may also recommend that the patient increasingly expose him or herself to the situation or object that triggers their attacks. This allows them to gradually gain control over their fear.


The last modality in treating a panic disorder is medication. Because of the potential harmful side effects and risk of addiction, medication should be avoided whenever possible, and may not always be necessary.

-- will tommorw ung mga alignment ng photosAs a last resort, however, in those cases where education and therapy are not effective, doctors may prescribe drugs. The most common medications are benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin) and SSRI anti-depressants (such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil). Most doctors are reluctant to prescribe medication without accompanying psychotherapy, since the drugs only treat the symptoms, while psychotherapy addresses the root causes of the disorder.

Self Help Treatments

Certain self-help techniques can be used as well. You can try these without seeing a trained professional. Look for support groups that deal with panic disorders and that connect people with shared experiences and feelings in your community or online. Additionally, regular massage therapy or acupuncture can help reduce stress and decrease the number of panic attacks.

All of these treatments can be effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. The combination of psychotherapy, education, sharing common experiences with other sufferers and, when necessary, medication, can prevent panic attacks from interfering with your daily life.

Dehlvi Calm DN Review

Calm-DN helps in reducing the frequent chronic and nervous anxiety you experience. Calm-DN contains specialized herbs that can help reduce stress by supporting the brain and metabolism to overcome stress. Calm-DN can restore the balance of mental peace and induce natural sleep.

Anxiety can affect the immune system and cause you to get sick, this is why it is important to keep a well balanced state of mind.

What Is In Calm-DN?

This product, Calm DN, has the following ingredients:

  • Centella asiatica (Brahmi) Gotu kola- is used to treat the common cold and swine flu.
  • Lavandula stoechas (Dharu): Is not proven effective in the following, but is thought to treat Depression.
  • Piper nigrum (Kali Mirch): helps in the treatment of Malaria and Cholera, upset stomach, cancer, pain and scabies.
  • Evolvulus alsinoides (Shankapushpi): This is used in the traditional medicine of East Asia for the psychotropic an nootropic properties. These claims are not medically verified however.

The Recommended Dosage For Calm-DN

The recommended dosage for Calm DN is 1 to 2 capsules twice a day, after a meal and with water. The manufacturers recommendation is to continue usage until no longer needed.

How Much Calm-DN Costs

One bottle contains 28 capsules for $9.15. This is less than a months supply, so you will need to buy two bottles to have

Does Dehlvi Calm DN Have A Guarantee

There is no guarantee offered with Dehlvi Calm DN, meaning that once you buy a bottle it is yours to keep, regardless of whether or not it works for you.


Dehlvi Calm DN is not a bad product, it takes quality and results to be a leading product, and Dehlvi Calm DN falls short.

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7 Natural Remedies for Anxiety

The Seven Natural Techniques to Manage Anxiety

Constant anxiety and worry can make it hard to lead a normal life. Relationships and work become compromised and leave the sufferer feeling unhappy and hopeless. However, there is a way to keep the situation from spinning out of control. The following seven techniques can be used at the first signs of an anxiety attack, which can help you get your life back on track.


When you feel anxious, muscles tense up, your heart races, and respiration increases in a “fight-or-flight” response. Exercise can be a terrific outlet for natural anxiety relief. It allows you to channel the extra energy in addition to clearing your mind. Exercise also causes our bodies to release pleasure hormones, further reducing stress and anxiety.7 Natural Remedies for Anxiety


This simple anxiety release method counters our body’s tendency to resort to rapid and shallow breaths when we’re in the throes of an anxiety attack. Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths through the nose and then exhaling out of the mouth. This simple breathing technique can have a calming effect. Practice controlled breathing when you are not in the midst of an anxiety attack so you will be better prepared for the next one.


Treating yourself to a therapeutic massage, acupuncture, or a hot shower is more than an indulgence. It can work wonders in helping relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety. Hot showers and massages relax tense muscles. Acupuncture and acupressure can relieve numerous stress-related symptoms, including shortness of breath, upset stomach or heart palpitations.


By occupying your mind with pleasurable or busy activities such as listening to music, doing a hobby, or even household chores, you can take your mind off the problem that’s causing your anxiety. Other activities you can try include reading a book, gardening, drawing or painting, playing a game, and cooking.

Thought Analysis

Anxiety usually derives from negative thinking, so turning negative thoughts into positive ones can naturally provide relief from one’s anxiety. Anxiety is most often created when we fear an anticipated event or a worst-case scenario, which will likely never happen.

When we write down the precise worry which causes our fear and articulate an action plan to stop it from happening, we can see it in a more realistic light. This helps give us a feeling of control and reduces the associated worry.

Live in the Now

If you think about it, living in the present is one way to keep thoughts firmly planted in reality. Most of our anxiety focuses on potential “what if” possibilities. When we actively participate in the here and now, the future takes a back seat, making it easier for us to stop worrying about the things that may happen down the road.

Seek Help

natural remedies for anxiety - CopyThis doesn’t inevitably mean calling up a therapist to schedule an appointment (although that is certainly an option). Being able to talk to anyone, whether it’s a spouse, a trusted friend, or even a stranger, can help relieve anxiety. Human beings need to interact with each other and getting somebody else’s perspective on your troubles can give you a different outlook on the issue.

It’s also helpful when we can counsel someone else in need. Doing a good deed or passing it forward is another way to put our own problems in perspective. It’s also a wonderful way to generate positive thought patterns and lower our negative ones.

If your anxiety becomes more than just an occasional incident or if it starts to disrupt your everyday life, these seven natural anxiety relieving techniques are here to help. When these techniques stop working, it may be time to consider professional help or medical intervention with a trained psychologist or doctor.

Passion Flower Extract Review

The Passion Flower herb that supports relaxation is a supplement that is sometimes used to help with relaxing and relieving nervousness caused by anxiety. This extract can be found in Good Night Rx. Good Night Rx is supposed to be able to help reduce tension and help with sleep problems. This product was created by Ray Sahelian M.D. who is an herbal expert.

Passion Flower Extract comes in a white bottle that has a picture of a plant, this is most likely to help promote it being made from all natural ingredients.


  • Passion Flower Extract (Passiflora Incarata)  (200mg) The passion flower is used for aiding restful sleep. It is intended to provide a sense of relaxation that provides a mental state conducive to adequate sleep.
  • Gelatin The Gelatin is used to prepare the supplement for consumption, as it is what these capsules are made of. According to, Gelatin is also used for weight loss, bone strengthening and treating arthritis.
  • Rice Flour is gluten free, making it a safer choice for those with celiac disease, however its use as a supplement to aid in sleep is questionable. It is more likely that it is mixed with the gelatin to create the capsule.


The recommended dose for this supplement is 1 capsule daily or as directed by your doctor. The daily value has not been established yet, mostly because there have not been any reputable studies conducted.

Side Effects

  • This supplement is a Gelatin capsule, Gelatin is used to prepare the supplement for consumption, as it is what these capsules are made of. According to, Gelatin is also used for weight loss, bone strengthening and treating arthritis.
  • Passion Flower has been shown to  increase the risk of bleeding, liver damage, severe nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, prolonged QTc, and episodes of nonsustained ventricular tachycardia.


The price you pay for Passion Flower supplements will vary greatly. It will range from anywhere as low as $25 per bottle to upwards of $50 per bottle.  Some stores and online retailers will offer discounts, but they are more likely to be offered by the ones charging higher numbers per bottle.


There is no guarantee offered by the creators of Passion Flower as a product. In fact, the site itself is incomplete, with tabs and links that lead to blank space. This is a sure sign of a scam. Any real company will believe in their product, and want to present it as nicely as possible.


Passion Flower does not seem worth it at all even at a first glance. Aside from sketchy marketing, it contains unproven ingredients that have failed to attract any popular acceptance. It contains ingredients presumably for the sake of seeming like there is more to it.

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Relaxed Mind Review

The makers of Relaxed Mind – Organic Ayurvedic Relaxation Stress Relief Formula understand that no matter how hard people try to make their lives less complicated, life sometimes has a way of getting so hectic that it feels like we do not know whether we are coming or going. If we are not able to regain proper control, anxiety and stress set in as a reaction to tough situations. Prolonged periods of stress are hard on the body and if left untreated, can lead to serious health conditions which include high blood pressure, hair loss, chest pain, muscle spasms, rapid weight loss or weight gain, headaches avoid getting stressed out, it is inevitable that hectic lifestyles sometimes bring with them stressful feelings, but it is how we choose to cope with them that makes the difference in what comes from trying times.  It is possible to maintain a calm and cool inner self and with the right aids and frame of mind.


Relaxed Mind – Organic Ayurvedic Relaxation Stress Relief Formula gives the user a speedy and measurable relief from anxiety symptoms that come from high stress and anxiety. The organic GMO-free formulation works with your body’s system to manage mood, quiet nerves, and improve your mental concentration and acuity. This organic dietary supplement contains a powerful Ayurvedic blend of herbs and botanical properties that includes:

  • Shankapushpi
  • Brahmi
  • Ashwagandha
  • Passionflower
  • Valerian

No fillers or synthetic compounds are used in this formulation.

Possible Side Effects

There are no known side effects that come from taking Relaxed Mind supplements and it is safe for extended use as it is not habit-forming.

Recommended Dosage

It is suggested to take one capsule 1-2 times each day, typically one hour after a meal. Although it is not a requirement, it is always a good idea to consult with your health care provider before beginning to take any new supplements.


Each bottle of Relaxed Mind contains 60 capsules. The price of one bottle of the Relaxed Mind supplement costs $29.75, which is subject to change without warning.


This product comes with a 90-day money back guarantee after 30 days of continued use. The company refunds the full purchase price of the supplement less shipping costs.


It is not necessary to be a hero and try to manage anxiety symptoms and stress all on your own when there are safe and effective anxiety medications on the market that help to calm stress and promote a sense of well-being.  Unfortunately, one problem with Relaxed Mind is that it is often out of stock which makes finding it to begin with or buying additional bottles difficult.

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Immortal Calm Anxiety Review

This product, Immortal Calm is made by a company known as Immortal Herbs. Immortal Calm is made to help you to become relaxed without any of the normal effects, such as fatigue. It also helps to support your nervous system’s health, as well as its overall function. Immortal Calm  can also help your liver stay healthy and function properly.

Immortal Calm comes in a bottle decorated with Chinese writing, indicating that it works along similar principles to traditional Chinese medicine, which has long helped the Chinese stay healthy before the advent of modern medicine.

Immortal Calm Ingredients

  • L-THEANINE: Improves your abilities to learn, focus and  sleep better.
  • REISHI : This is used by mountain climbers to help with altitude sickness and maintain steady levels of endurance.
  • GYNOSTEMMA: Gynostemma helps to obtain balance and equilibrium.
  • GINSENG: This popular herb helps to produce feelings of well-being and stamina, as well as helping with physical and mental wellness.
  • ASTRAGALUS: Astragalus is used in Immortal Calm to help with digestion.

Are You Excited About Guarantees?

Immortal Calm comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, letting you try the all-natural supplement for an entire month. Money back guarantees are a very beneficial thing, as not everyone will experience the same level of results from any supplement.

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InSight HT Review

Stress is an everyday occurrence for the majority of us. It’s something that nobody needs, yet everybody seems to have. In response to this increase of stress, InSight HT has hit the market. It is a supplement that has been specifically formulated to manage your anxiety. By helping you to manage your stress, Insight HT aims to bring balance and calm to your hectic life.

A lot of people deal with rumination, a state of mind in which thoughts race in circles, causing you to reenact events, conversations, and fears over and over again in your mind. Many of those dealing with ruminating states of mind will find it very difficult (if not nearly impossible) to force their mind to function at a steady and calm pace. InSight HT has been helping people deal with rumination for over a decade, gaining the notice of physicians whose patients sought a more natural treatment plan.


By fighting away those pesky cyclical thought patterns and relaxing your mind, InSight HT allows you to settle down emotionally, avoiding instances of high tension and promoting a properly balanced emotional mind. The Insight HT supplement contains all of the helpful ingredients found in InSight Natural, as well as more vitamins to keep your stress levels down and anxiety at bay. InSight HT comes in purely vegetarian capsules that do not include Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, keeping the supplement pure.

InSight HT contains Cocoa Flavonoids, as well as other vitamins to help reduce and deal with anxiety:

  • 5-HTP: This amino acid comes from the Griffonia seed, and helps to support your serotonin metabolism, keeping it healthy. This is a very important part of your body as it regulates and enhances your mood. Overall, it can have a major effect on your behavior and sleep patterns.
  • L-Theanine: This amino acid is found in Green Tea. It enables the InSight HT mood management supplement to bring your body into a relaxed state, without the added drowsiness. This ingredient will calm your nerves, keeping anxiety at bay.
  • Vinpocetine: Vinpocetine is an antioxidant that works wonders for your brain. A derivative of periwinkle, Vinpocetine allows oxygen and other essential nutrients to easily be carried to your brain. This results in healthy neurotransmitters being produced.


The recommended dose for InSight HT is to take one tablet daily.


A single bottle of InSight HT costs $28.95 and contains 60 tablets. The simple dosing course of just one tablet a day means that one bottle will last two months.


InSight HT has been formulated to help people struggling with cyclical thoughts, which is a specific subset of symptoms related to stress.

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B-Chillin Review

The B-Chillin Calming Supplement is a health supplement that both calms and relaxes by helping your mind and body focus. B-Chillin is made up of a special blend that is reportedly backed by science. B-Chillin is meant to be able to help you become noticeably calmer in less than 30 minutes, without that sleepy feeling you get from other supplements.

The B-Chillin Calming Supplement can relieve stress and improve your mental focus.


B-Chillin Calming Supplement has the following ingredients:

  • L-Theanine: This extract is taken out of green tea. It can help reduce anxiety and stimulate the production of dopamine, tryptophan, serotonin and a few other chemicals that can help enhance your mood.
  • GABA: Is a neurotransmitter that helps promote a calm and collected demeanor.
  • Holy Basil: This herb has been considered sacred to the natives of India for thousands of years as an herb to treat stress.
  • Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm has been used for many centuries to help strengthen the nervous system, this helps to ease nerves and improve coping skills. It also helps relieve symptoms of cramping and gastrointestinal anxiety.
  • Chamomile: Chamomile is an herb that has been used time and time again by countless individuals for its ability to calm the nervous system and promote overall relaxation.
  • Magnesium, Chloride, and Seawater Trace Mineral Concentrate: These help to boost minerals in your body, the ones that help prevent confusion and dazed feelings.


The suggested dosage for this supplement is 1 to 3 capsules a day. It is not recommended to exceed 6 capsules in a 24-hour period.


The price for one bottle of B-Chillin is $29.99. Every purchase includes free shipping. By purchasing 3 bottles of B-Chillin you can also save 25%, and the savings increase in increments. Buying 6 bottles will save you 35%, and buying 9 will save you 45%.


B-Chillin comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, allowing you two whole months to try the supplement and determine if it is right for you. One bottle should be enough to last as long as 3 months when taken once a day.


B-Chillin contains some very potent ingredients, as well as some ingredients that have not been proven by medical professionals to be beneficial or safe. It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, which is very helpful as not everyone responds the same to supplements. In comparison to other similar products, however, it falls short of one particular supplement that has successfully reduced the effects of stress and anxiety while providing a sense of peace and mental and emotional balance.

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Semde Review

There are currently no specific medical tests that can determine an anxiety diagnosis. Instead, anxiety disorders are often diagnosed by a doctor who will conduct a full medical examination. About 3 million people in the United States will suffer a full-blown anxiety order at some point in their lives. Furthermore, approximately 60 million adults (20% of the population) will suffer from panic attacks. The actual causes of anxiety disorders are unknown, but there are several components that lead to its development, including heredity, brain chemistry and the environment.

Fortunately, there are a lot of treatments like Semde available to anxiety suffers, some of which can be found in supplements and other over-the-counter medications. Because of the large number of treatments, make sure you do your research and choose the one that’s right for you.

Semde Ingredients

The ingredients in anti-anxiety treatments vary from product to product. Some products use herbal remedies, homeopathic ingredients, natural ingredients or synthetic ingredients. As specified early, you should be looking for a product with ingredients that are all natural. Semde lists the following ingredients for their product:

• Aquilaria Agollocha

• Mucuna Prurita

• Myristica Fragrans

• Saussurea Lappa

• Melia Composite

• Ferula Jaeschkeana

• Eugenia Caryophylla

• Piper Nigrum

• Piper Longum

• Hedychium Spicatum

• Aconitum Spicatum

• Lepus Pectus Pectorus

• Bos Grunniens Lipid


• Black Salt

Suggested Use

The manufacturer recommends taking two (2) capsules in the morning with hot water and on an empty stomach..

Side Effects

No side effects could be identified for this product. As always, with any anxiety treatment, contact your doctor before use.


Internet pricing may vary from website to website. At the time of writing this review this product was found at a price of $25.00 for a bottle of 50 capsules. At the suggest use, this should last you about 25 days.

Semde Guarantee

Many people want a guarantee as an assurance that if they don’t get the results that they are looking for, they will not be punished. Depending on where you buy this product, individual websites may off their own money-back guarantees.

When looking on the manufacturer’s website, a guarantee for this product could not be found.


There are a lot of anxiety treatment products on the market, including Semde. However, considering the ingredients of this product, its price and the fact that they do not offer a guarantee, a consumer may not think this is the best product for them.

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