Anxiety Prevention

Stay Healthy: Self-Help for Anxiety Relief

The prevention and management of anxiety disorders involve taking simple, consistent, and incremental steps to eliminate stress-inducing negative thoughts. This article outlines a number of steps that can help relieve some of the worst symptoms of anxiety and stress.


First, and most critically, we are what we eat. It’s important to be aware of the type, variety, nutritional value, and quantity of food we eat.

  • A healthy diet should include a balanced proportion of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and dairy.
  • Foods high in magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium help our bodies handle stress.
  • Foods rich in vitamin B, including leafy green vegetables, meat, eggs, grains, and fish can also help us combat anxiety disorders.
  • Limit the amount of sugary, fatty foods, and caffeinated beverages as they can stimulate anxiety symptoms that lead to sleeping problems.

Chemical Addictions

Many people who are struggling with work or relationship-related stress, cope by consuming alcohol, tobacco, or other chemicals and mood-altering substances. Each new stressful situation hooks them further into the habit of smoking or imbibing. However, physiologically, these substances only make matters worse.

Anxiety PreventionThe tobacco and nicotine you smoke constrict your blood vessels, burn your lungs, and cause your heart to pump harder, causing in turn cardiac arrest and other diseases. By quitting drugs, smoking, and alcohol you will keep your body healthier and be better able to handle stress.


Next, be sure to incorporate exercise in your daily routine – remaining active, alert, and present is the simplest way to keep worry at bay. Even a daily routine of simple, light exercises can have an impact.

Fitness routines like an early morning jog or brisk walk, gardening, biking, playing with your children, dancing, and swimming burn excess calories and help keep weight under control. Staying fit keeps your body and your mind focused and sharp. We feel better, more rejuvenated and have more energy at work and at play. The more fit we keep our body, the longer these good feelings last.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, listening to calming music, or reading a good book can calm our nerves, relax our muscles and cool our heads.

Positive Thinking

Anxiety, worry, and stress happen because of our fear of the unknown and issues that are often outside of our control. We need to replace these negative thoughts, fears, worries, and trepidation’s with positive thoughts.

Our brain is primarily in control of our thought processes. However, it is important to realize that the brain is just another organ that we need to control in order to prevent the malicious, repetitive, thought processes from harming us.

Each negative thought creates a chemical imbalance in our body. This leads to stress. We need to learn to teach our brain to conquer our negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

Keeping a JournalAnxiety Prevention

By writing down the events in your private life, you can help you and your therapist identify the causes of your stress. In addition, writing down your worries and stresses can help identify areas where you spend the most time worrying about events that may never occur or problems that are outside of your control.

You may discover that these seemingly insurmountable problems are actually insignificant and are just sucking up your time and energy.


When practiced correctly, sex can be one of the most delightful stress and anxiety management techniques in your toolbox. People tend to feel happier and more relaxed after sex. Studies have shown that sex and orgasms improve mood and lowers stress levels.

Aromatherapy, Massage, and Acupressure

These natural and calming techniques have relaxing effects on the body.

Medication and Therapy

Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications are helpful in restoring chemical imbalances that can create anxiety symptoms. It’s particularly effective when used in combination with psychotherapy.


Cognitive therapy helps patients observe emotions clearly and helps separate realistic feelings from irrational ones.  Anxiety Prevention  In behavioral therapy, patients are exposed, in small steps, to anxiety-producing stimuli, which slowly increase their tolerance to situations that create anxiety.

Treating A Panic Disorder

Treating a Panic Disorder

Panic disorders are incapacitating conditions consisting of severe episodes of panic. They may occur with little or no warning and can last from just a couple of minutes to as long as a half hour or more. The fact that the sufferer may never know when these panic attacks might happen can prevent them from enjoying life. They end up avoiding activities or experiences that have triggered their prior panic attacks.

Women typically suffer from panic disorder and anxiety attacks more often than men, with the onset of the disorder frequently occurring in early adulthood. If left untreated, panic disorders can evolve into more serious conditions, such as agoraphobia.

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

Although everyone experiences a panic attack differently, some common symptoms of panic attacks include:

  • Palpitating heartTreating A Panic Disorder
  • Shortness of breath
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Sweating and/or hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Chest pain
  • Tightening of the throat
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Chills

Therapy and Education

Treating a panic disorder usually involves a blend of three modalities — education, psychotherapy and medication.

A patient opting for psychotherapy treatment generally has private sessions with a trained psychologist on a short-term basis — typically for no more than a dozen sessions. The first session usually focuses on teaching patients about their disorder, how to effectively cope with attacks and ways to prevent them from occurring.

By learning to identify the symptoms of a panic attack and the reasons behind them, patients can significantly shorten the length and severity of these attacks. When they first start feeling the beginnings of a panic attack, they can employ techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation and controlled breathing to keep the attack from escalating.

Therapists will also talk to the patient about the irrational fears they experience while they are having an attack. Often these are fears of humiliating and embarrassing themselves in public, fear of fainting, or even dying. Discussing their fears helps patients understand that the fears are not rational. This reduces the intensity level of the attack.

The therapist may also recommend that the patient increasingly expose him or herself to the situation or object that triggers their attacks. This allows them to gradually gain control over their fear.


The last modality in treating a panic disorder is medication. Because of the potential harmful side effects and risk of addiction, medication should be avoided whenever possible, and may not always be necessary.

-- will tommorw ung mga alignment ng photosAs a last resort, however, in those cases where education and therapy are not effective, doctors may prescribe drugs. The most common medications are benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin) and SSRI anti-depressants (such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil). Most doctors are reluctant to prescribe medication without accompanying psychotherapy, since the drugs only treat the symptoms, while psychotherapy addresses the root causes of the disorder.

Self Help Treatments

Certain self-help techniques can be used as well. You can try these without seeing a trained professional. Look for support groups that deal with panic disorders and that connect people with shared experiences and feelings in your community or online. Additionally, regular massage therapy or acupuncture can help reduce stress and decrease the number of panic attacks.

All of these treatments can be effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. The combination of psychotherapy, education, sharing common experiences with other sufferers and, when necessary, medication, can prevent panic attacks from interfering with your daily life.

7 Natural Remedies for Anxiety

The Seven Natural Techniques to Manage Anxiety

Constant anxiety and worry can make it hard to lead a normal life. Relationships and work become compromised and leave the sufferer feeling unhappy and hopeless. However, there is a way to keep the situation from spinning out of control. The following seven techniques can be used at the first signs of an anxiety attack, which can help you get your life back on track.


When you feel anxious, muscles tense up, your heart races, and respiration increases in a “fight-or-flight” response. Exercise can be a terrific outlet for natural anxiety relief. It allows you to channel the extra energy in addition to clearing your mind. Exercise also causes our bodies to release pleasure hormones, further reducing stress and anxiety.7 Natural Remedies for Anxiety


This simple anxiety release method counters our body’s tendency to resort to rapid and shallow breaths when we’re in the throes of an anxiety attack. Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths through the nose and then exhaling out of the mouth. This simple breathing technique can have a calming effect. Practice controlled breathing when you are not in the midst of an anxiety attack so you will be better prepared for the next one.


Treating yourself to a therapeutic massage, acupuncture, or a hot shower is more than an indulgence. It can work wonders in helping relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety. Hot showers and massages relax tense muscles. Acupuncture and acupressure can relieve numerous stress-related symptoms, including shortness of breath, upset stomach or heart palpitations.


By occupying your mind with pleasurable or busy activities such as listening to music, doing a hobby, or even household chores, you can take your mind off the problem that’s causing your anxiety. Other activities you can try include reading a book, gardening, drawing or painting, playing a game, and cooking.

Thought Analysis

Anxiety usually derives from negative thinking, so turning negative thoughts into positive ones can naturally provide relief from one’s anxiety. Anxiety is most often created when we fear an anticipated event or a worst-case scenario, which will likely never happen.

When we write down the precise worry which causes our fear and articulate an action plan to stop it from happening, we can see it in a more realistic light. This helps give us a feeling of control and reduces the associated worry.

Live in the Now

If you think about it, living in the present is one way to keep thoughts firmly planted in reality. Most of our anxiety focuses on potential “what if” possibilities. When we actively participate in the here and now, the future takes a back seat, making it easier for us to stop worrying about the things that may happen down the road.

Seek Help

natural remedies for anxiety - CopyThis doesn’t inevitably mean calling up a therapist to schedule an appointment (although that is certainly an option). Being able to talk to anyone, whether it’s a spouse, a trusted friend, or even a stranger, can help relieve anxiety. Human beings need to interact with each other and getting somebody else’s perspective on your troubles can give you a different outlook on the issue.

It’s also helpful when we can counsel someone else in need. Doing a good deed or passing it forward is another way to put our own problems in perspective. It’s also a wonderful way to generate positive thought patterns and lower our negative ones.

If your anxiety becomes more than just an occasional incident or if it starts to disrupt your everyday life, these seven natural anxiety relieving techniques are here to help. When these techniques stop working, it may be time to consider professional help or medical intervention with a trained psychologist or doctor.

Anxiety In Children

Anxiety and Anxiety Disorders in Children

Anxiety, like many other emotions, is closely linked to our fears. Children experience a number of fears from the moment they are born. How they react to that fear — whether it be fear of the dark, ghosts, insects or dogs, depends on the child’s personality, age, genetic disposition, and coping skills.

Generally, as children grow up,  fears lessen. Fears become a problem only if they prevent the child from performing normal activities. Intervention or treatment may be considered at this point.

Anxiety Symptoms

Children experience anxiety at different stages and ages. Below are some common anxiety symptoms and how parents can help them cope:

Infants/ToddlersAnxiety In Children

When feeling panicked, infants can become irritable, restless and lose sleep. Indications of anxiety at this tender age can include:

  • Clinging
  • Crying endlessly
  • Throwing tantrums
  • Sleeplessness
  • Inability to sleep alone
  • Urinating often

You may be able to gradually reduce anxiety in very young children by exposing them to a wide variety of experiences:

  • Having them meet many different people outside the home and encouraging them to play with other children
  • Allowing them to make their own decisions
  • Setting a regular bed time routine and training them to fall asleep on their own

Overly stressed parents pass along their own stresses to their children, so make every attempt to keep a happy environment in the home.

School Age ChildrenAnxiety In Children

Anxiety in school children can include:

  • Shyness
  • Timidness
  • Clinging to parents
  • An inability to interact with other children
  • Lack of concentration
  • Poor memory
  • Withdrawal
  • Pessimism
  • Constant complaints of head/stomach aches

Such children can be demanding and irritable. They require a lot of patience. It’s important to be assertive, but calm when helping them deal with the things they are anxious about. Reassure them whenever you can.


As they undergo hormonal, physical, and emotional changes, teens exhibit stress and anxiety by:

  • Over/under eating
  • Excessive sleep
  • Obsession with appearance
  • Defying authority

It’s critical to set reasonable ground rules with adolescents without being overly restrictive. Encourage them to share their concerns and worries so they feel safe confiding in you.

Reasons For AnxietyAnxiety In Children

  • Conflicts or changes in the family: A parental argument, divorce, or illness can be extremely upsetting for children. They may start taking on the guilt for their family woes. Both overly controlling and extremely liberal parents can pave the way for anxiety in a child.
  • Physical illness or disabilities: Ailments such as severe asthma as well as reactions and taunts from other children can make an ill or disabled child self-conscious, upset and depressed.
  • Tight schedules: Jam packed days filled with too many activities may stress the child and deprive them of needed downtime. All children need free, unstructured time to themselves every now and then.
  • Issues at school: Bullying, name calling, teasing, harsh or unfair teachers, and overly burdened school work can make a child depressed and resentful. This may result in a lack of self confidence or cause them to lose interest in school and other activities.
  • Fears/phobias: Exposure to frightening incidents, sad and terrible news, violent/horror movies, upsetting or gory books and stories can cause fears in children. If they have experienced bad episodes in the past, some children may develop a fear of social situations, schools, or open spaces (agoraphobia). They may start to develop obsessions, or in extreme cases, severe depression may include self-harming behaviors or suicidal thoughts.

How to Avoid Anxiety

Communication, comfort, and care are the most important factors that can help a child feel safe, loved, and cared for. Provide reassurance while enabling them to express their fears.

Show support and love with physical contact – hugging, cuddling, holding, and rocking the child. As you soothe them, reassure them with comforting and calming words. Allow the child to express him or herself freely -without judgement about their concerns, worries and fears.

Encourage children to solve their own problems instead of stepping in to fix them. This fosters independence and courage in fearful situations, while discouraging negative and unproductive thoughts.

Respect and support the child’s feelings when it matters the most. Seek medical guidance if the fears and phobias become so overwhelming that it keeps the child from pursuing normal, everyday activities.

Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety DisordersEveryone experiences feelings of stress every now and then. Stress can even be a positive response to some situations. This “flight or fight” response prepares the body to be alert and on edge when action is needed.

For example, if someone encounters an unfamiliar or threatening environment, he or she can be nervous, edgy, and anxious. This may allow that person to tackle whatever comes next. People who are anxious speaking in public or while taking an exam, rehearse or study to ensure they are equipped to take on the challenge. Stress also helps keep people safe in dangerous situations.

However, when excessive anxiety or fear prevents a person from living a normal, healthy life, it can become a problem. This can be a sign of an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, this is a very common condition which can be successfully treated.

Nearly 9% of Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder during some period of their lives. For a few, anxiety can be so debilitating they can’t leave their homes and are prevented from performing everyday tasks.

The term “anxiety” has been so overused recently that it’s at risk of losing its meaning. The words “anxiety” and “fear” have become nearly interchangeable. However, they’re actually two separate conditions. Anxiety describes multiple types of mental conditions characterized by an extreme amount of mental worry that appears for no reason. Fear, however, is an emotion that triggers anxiety.

What are the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders include a rather broad category of different medical conditions. Some of these conditions include:

What are the Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder?

There are lots of symptoms that a person may demonstrate if he or she has an anxiety disorder. Here is a list of some common anxiety symptoms (not all of them need to be present for a doctor to diagnose an anxiety disorder):

  • Over the top worryingAnxiety Overview: A Look At Anxiety Disorders
  • Unreasonable fear of things or circumstances
  • Jumpiness/Inability to relax
  • Repeated re-living of a prior traumatic experience
  • Insomnia
  • A compulsive need to repeat an action over and over again
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Muscle pain
  • Perspiration/cold or clammy hands/light headed
  • Hyperactive/Rapid heartbeat
  • Exhaustion
  • Dry, cotton mouth
  • Tingling or numb extremities
  • Stomach cramps/nausea/loose bowels/difficulty swallowing
  • Hyperventilation

Generally, people who suffer from anxiety disorders are paranoid that they or their loved ones will be harmed or threatened in some way. They typically find it difficult to concentrate and are easily angered and impatient – regardless of the circumstance or habitual lateness.

While everyone experiences some of these symptoms at some point in their lives, it’s only a problem if they interfere with your daily life. If symptoms are too extreme for the situation that triggers them, it may be caused by an underlying anxiety disorder. You may want to explore options to treat the condition.

Natural Anxiety Remedies

All-Natural Remedies for Anxiety

If you’re searching for natural anxiety remedies, but are afraid of the potential side effects of prescription pills, there are a number of natural anxiety remedies which have helped many people. Some of these might just work for you.

Recommended Treatments for Anxiety

One of the commonly recommended treatments for anxiety is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating the right foods, drinking water, getting enough quality sleep, and regular exercise. These can all be effective in keeping feelings of worry and stress under control.

A healthy lifestyle also helps reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety such as fatigue, shakiness, and sweating. Diets high in carbohydrates, without getting enough protein or water, may worsen anxiety symptoms. Make an effort to eat enough protein and complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and fresh vegetables, instead of refined carbohydrates like sugar and processed food. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water.

In addition, avoid stimulants such as coffee and soda. These are filled with caffeine. Despite their promises to boost energy, caffeine can add to anxiety symptoms such as upset stomach and jitters. Instead, get your energy boost from eating the healthy foods mentioned above.

Nutrients that Help Reduce Anxiety

Nutrients that help reduce anxiety include magnesium, biotin, folic acid, niacin, calcium, and pantothenic acid. The B-vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12) also help. The following foods are rich in these vitamins and nutrients:

  • Lentils and beansNatural Anxiety Remedies
  • Cabbage
  • Peas
  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Dairy products like eggs, cheese, and milk
  • Poultry such as chicken and turkey
  • Lamb

Food allergies can exacerbate anxiety, so watch for allergic reactions after consuming certain common allergy-causing foods like wheat, eggs, fish, soy, dairy, nuts, and shellfish. If you suspect that you may be allergic to a specific food, simply avoid it altogether. Your doctor can perform allergy tests to figure out definitively whether you are truly allergic to any of these foods.

Getting Enough Rest

Getting adequate sleep is also important. Most of us need at least eight hours of sleep a night. Fatigue and sleepiness can contribute enormously to worry and anxiousness. Getting enough rest helps your mind and your body relax, making you better able to gain control of your thoughts and emotions.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise has also been shown to help relieve stress and anxious feelings. Exercise not only helps you relax and recharge your body, it also releases endorphin’s – the hormones that create feelings of well-being and happiness in the brain. Fear and negative emotions are alleviated.

Healthy Lifestyle and Techniques

In addition to living a more healthy lifestyle, techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and aromatherapy are all natural anxiety-lowering remedies. They have been used for centuries. Deep breathing and meditation help relax the body and focus the mind. These practices work best when performed in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed.

Combine aromatherapy with breathing and meditation for even better results. Plant oils like lavender, jasmine, rose and sandalwood offer a calming, soothing effect. Add these scents to your massage or bath oils or burn incense.

Certain herbs can also be effective in reducing anxiety. Herbs thought to have anti-depressant qualities include:

  • PatchouliNatural Anxiety Remedies
  • Kava
  • Lime
  • Lavender
  • Passion flower
  • Neroli
  • Valerian
  • Winter cherry
  • Rose


Although many people suffering from anxiety are often timid about social interaction, talking to someone else about anxiety issues can be helpful. Getting your problems off your shoulders and out into the open can bring relief, while having someone else’s point of view can give you a different perspective on the issues that caused your worries. They may seem less overwhelming and negative.

These natural anxiety remedies have stood the test of time and can be used to combat not just anxiety, but the accompanying physiological and mental symptoms. You may have to experiment in order to find the best blend of remedies for your needs, but ultimately, with patience and perseverance, you’ll find success.

When Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety Attacks and How to Treat Them

Stress is normal, even useful. A common, human emotion, it can be helpful by motivating us to prepare for some of the following:

  • Trying, important events
  • Activities and meetings
  • Upcoming tests
  • Speeches or interviews

Stress can also heighten our senses and focus our attention in critical situations. It was designed to save our life since adrenaline produces the flight or fight response that helps us deal with emergencies. But too much stress that is always present or overwhelming can turn into anxiety. If stress interferes with your life rather than helping it, perhaps an anxiety disorder is to blame.

One feature of an anxiety disorder is the anxiety attack. These are episodes of excessive anxiety, also known as panic attacks, whose symptoms can include:

  • A loss of controlWhen Anxiety Attacks
  • Feeling like you going crazy
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Upset stomach
  • Trembling
  • Hot flashes or chills

Specific triggers can set off an anxiety attack, such as a stressful environment or upsetting event, or the fear of something stressful about to happen. Or the attack can occur with no trigger or warning sign whatsoever. These episodes often last under a half-hour, peaking at 10 minutes or so. When they are in the midst of a panic attack, some people are afraid that they are about to die, especially since the symptoms of an anxiety attack are very similar to that of a heart attack. After having experienced an anxiety disorder, even just once, the fear of experiencing another one may prevent the sufferer from doing the things that person may have typically enjoyed.


Treating an anxiety attack is a two-step process. Acute attacks must be treated as quickly as possible. When you start feeling the first signs of a panic attack, counter it with a fast-acting benzodiazepine tranquilizer to reduce the severity and duration of the attack. Yet there are side effects to benzodiazepine. These include drowsiness, queasiness, and loss of coordination. Side effects may worsen with higher doses. On rare occasions, anti-anxiety medications can have the opposite of their intended effect, and can even be dangerous. Instead of calming the user, they may cause mania, anger, and aggressiveness. Watch carefully for side effects when using such drugs.

When Anxiety AttacksNext, besides stopping an immediate episode, try to prevent attacks from happening in the future. The best way to accomplish this is through a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps turn irrational and negative thoughts into positive, proactive ones. Exposure therapy is another common method. This therapy repeatedly and gradually exposes patients to higher levels of the anxiety triggering situation, until they learn to control their fears and are no longer overwhelmed and overcome by them.

Long-Term Medication

Occasionally, therapy by itself is not enough to prevent anxiety attacks, so long-term medication is sometimes recommended. Antidepressants and benzodiazepines are the anti-anxiety medications most commonly prescribed. These drugs, while effective, also have side effects, some of which can be severe. These drugs are also potentially addicting. It’s important to do your research and consult with your doctor about the risks versus the benefits before choosing any long-term medication as a treatment option. Also keep in mind that while drugs can help you control the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks, it does not treat the root cause of the disorder the way therapy does.

So if anxiety attacks are making your life miserable, a blend of therapy and medication can help bring worry and panic down to a manageable level and prevent the anxiety from taking over your life. With proper treatment, many people suffering from anxiety and panic attacks can continue to live happy, fulfilling lives.

Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Common Anxieties and Their Symptoms

There are numerous types of anxiety disorders − all of which manifest themselves through different symptoms and can be triggered by multiple causes. This article outlines a few common types of anxieties and their symptoms.

Panic Attacks

Have you have ever found yourself getting ready for an interview, standing in front of an audience, or preparing to present a big speech? Then suddenly your heart is pounding; your palms are sweaty; chills are running down your spine; your knees are trembling; your face and ears are bright red; your mouth is dry, and your mind has drawn a complete blank. All this happens despite all your careful preparations. If this happens, then you are probably suffering from a panic attack.


Types Of Anxiety DisordersTraumatic events and emergencies cause anxiety as well; waiting outside a hospital emergency room or a delivery room can create symptoms of anxiety. People find themselves pacing restlessly, acting hyperactive, nervous, or tense and irritable. As the time spent waiting grows longer, they may also end up losing sleep or their appetite, and end up exhausted and fatigued.

Victims of a major life trauma, a serious accident, or other tragedy may exhibit these symptoms over a prolonged time, which could lead to serious psychological and physiological problems. They may suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, symptoms which include: hallucinations, insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks and intense physical pain (such as chest pain), sweating, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fainting, frequent urination, or weakness. Emotionally, they may experience difficulty concentrating or focusing on work; they display radical mood swings, bursting into tears for no apparent reasons; experience emotional numbness, develop a phobia to certain places, people, or situations; or lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. They can feel lonely, even in a crowd. All these symptoms can lead to clinical depression.

Separation Anxiety

Children who suffer from separation anxiety throw tantrums, cry endlessly, refuse to go to sleep, refuse to go to school, or cling to their parents or care giver. Teenagers who suffer anxiety tend to be shy, overly irritable and argumentative with their parents, and may have a hard time concentrating on school work. They may suffer from physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, trembling or tense muscles, or fatigue.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Another type of anxiety disorder is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD. OCD symptoms include a number of different categories:

  • Washers (compulsively washes hands)
  • Checkers (repeatedly checks to see if the doors are locked, or oven is off)
  • Doubters (doubts if anything is ever done correctly or perfectly)
  • Counters (obsessed with numbers, arrangements, colors)
  • Hoarders (hoards useless things in the fear that something bad may happen if they throw it away)Types of Anxiety Disorders

Social Anxiety Disorders

People suffering from phobic or social anxiety disorders exclude other people from their lives or avoid social gatherings or certain objects, events, or places in order to avoid “triggers” — reminders that could cause their anxiety. These phobias cause them to become aloof and reclusive.

Women often experience symptoms of anxiety more often than men and are more likely to develop anxiety disorders. Some attribute this to their biological hormonal fluctuations, such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. Some women show physiological symptoms of anxiety such as shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, derealization, excessive worrying, headaches, sleep disorders, ennui, elevated blood pressure, fatigue, and mood swings.

While all undergo stressful periods in their lives, there are times when the stress and the symptoms they manifest can become overwhelming and debilitating. When this happens, don’t ignore the resulting anxiety; there are actions you can take to relieve both the symptoms and the causes of the stress. This website is here as a guide to help you through this process.

Anxiety Cure: Drugs Or Therapy

The Anxiety Solution: Drugs vs Therapy

As many as 40 million Americans show symptoms of an anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, modern medicine has yet to find a cure. It’s most common for people suffering from anxiety disorders to combine medication with therapy to manage and treat their symptoms. What ultimately helps “cure” the anxiety is therapy, along with the patients’ hard work.

Treatment Method

Which cures anxiety, drugs or therapy? Here is a longstanding debate over which treatment method is most effective, be it medication or any of the various therapies. There are positives and negatives to each mode of treatment. Every individual who struggles with anxiety has his or her own preferences and style. Medications can be effective. However, they really only address the symptoms. Yet once those symptoms subside, patients are better able to tackle the underlying core issues.

Searching For an Anxiety Cure: Drugs vs TherapyThis is where therapy comes in. Some people prefer a drug-free method because of the risks of side effects and potential dependence upon medication. But for others, it just seems so much easier to take a pill. Understand, however, that anxiety symptoms can return after you stop taking medication. Symptoms do not typically come back after therapy ends, so it would appear that therapy is a more effective long-term treatment choice.

Types of Therapy

The most common types of therapy used to treat anxiety are cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. When patients confront their anxiety-inducing issues, they learn how to better cope and manage those issues.

In cognitive-behavioral therapy, patients learn how to replace and “turn off” negative anxieties with more positive thoughts.

Exposure therapy gradually exposes patients, in a controlled, safe environment, to the situations that caused their anxiety. By experiencing this slow exposure to the stressful setting, patients discover that negative consequences do not always result from the situation, and their anxiety diminishes naturally.


These kinds of therapy are time intensive — that is, you don’t see immediate results overnight. They definitely won’t work without enormous effort by the patient. It doesn’t happen, as often seen in movies and television, where a patient talks to a therapist for one hour a week — although talk therapy is certainly a component of the treatment.

Searching For An Anxiety Cure: Drugs vs TherapyFor therapy to have positive results, patients have to practice what they learn after they leave the therapy session. Whenever they feel an anxiety coming on, the patient has to remember the techniques he or she learned in therapy and employ them to prevent the anxiety from taking over. These techniques can include breathing exercises, meditation, or writing exercises. Each method is designed to make stressful situations appear less threatening and stressful.

Currently, an actual cure for anxiety remains to be found, but scientists continue to discover the underlying physiology and psychology behind the anxiety symptoms. Medications and therapy techniques continue to be improved. Hopefully, someday, a cure may be found.

So which is the ideal course of action to deal with anxiety, drugs or therapy? Ultimately, the best way forward is to combat the symptoms with medication, address the root causes with therapy and for the individual suffering from anxiety, to work hard and persevere.

Anxiety Causes

Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is our body’s natural reaction to a perceived threat or danger. This response may include feelings of worry, fear or nervousness, and over time may lead to depression. Within moderation, anxiety can be useful: it helps us to focus, spurs us to action, and helps us solve looming problems. Persistent or overpowering anxiety can lead to serious conditions, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. Understanding anxiety causes can help detect the symptoms of anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Physical symptoms of anxiety may include:

  • Trembling
  • Upset stomach
  • Muscle tension
  • HeadachesAnxiety Causes
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Sweating
  • Flushed face

The emotional symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Irritability
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Restlessness
  • Nervousness and apprehensiveness
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling as though your mind is going blank
  • Believing only in the worst possible outcomes

Causes of Anxiety

There are multiple theories about how anxiety and its causes develop. It is usually a combination of genetic, psychological, physical, biological, and life experiences. External factors that can trigger anxiety include:

  • Stress from personal relationships, whether marital, family, or friendship
  • Emotional trauma from a death or separation from loved ones
  • Workplace stress
  • Having been victimized by a crime
  • Financial stress
  • A serious or chronic illness
  • Medication side effects
  • Intoxication or chemical dependency

Our body’s reaction to these events is what triggers the anxiety. The amygdala, an almond-sized organ within the brain, performs a primary function in forming and storing memories connected to emotional events. This organ triggers the body’s flight or fight response to threatening situations and controls our anxiety.

An imbalance of chemicals and neurotransmitters in the brain may be the cause of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Two of these transmitters, noradrenalin and serotonin, are believed to influence anxiety. When the levels of these chemicals are out of balance, they may cause mood swings or increase the chances of an anxiety-related condition like GAD.

Types of Anxiety

Experts have identified six major kinds of anxiety disorders. Each has its own distinctive symptoms. These disorders are:

Anxiety CausesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder: People suffering from GAD worry endlessly and are constantly nervous and panicked about every possible activity or event.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: This is a disorder that causes sufferers to have unwelcome or recurring feelings, thoughts, or sensations which drive them to compulsively repeat certain behaviors. Examples of these obsessive behaviors include worrying about germs or keeping items in a precise order. Examples of compulsive behavior include counting objects, zealously avoiding cracks in the sidewalk, or fanatically refusing to touch doorknobs.

Panic Disorder: This anxiety disorder causes an individual to suffer recurring episodes of intense fear that things are going wrong or that something terrible is going to happen.

Phobias: A phobia is an irrational fear that results in the sufferer deliberately avoiding the feared object, situation, or activity in a way that interferes with their ability to function. Some common phobias and anxiety causes include fear of heights, open spaces, air travel, insects, and social anxiety.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): This is an intense anxiety disorder that occurs following a life-threatening or traumatic event.

Separation Anxiety Disorder: A disorder normally experienced by children, Separation Anxiety Disorder occurs when a child becomes exceedingly upset at the thought of being separated from their care-giving adults, typically a parent.

Social Anxiety Disorder: An overwhelming, persistent fear of a possible embarrassing, humiliating interpersonal situation. Extreme shyness can be considered to be Social Anxiety Disorder. In severe cases, people with SAD may avoid social situations entirely.